Copyright © 2000-2010 Per Kraulis
Some ancient lectures written by Per Kraulis. You may use the text and materials if appropriate acknowledgement is given.
A course in Python programming for beginners.
An introduction to programming for persistence of data: Files, XML and databases.
An introduction to properties of different random number generators.
Some notes about the tasks awaiting the Systems Architect (me) at the SciLifeLab.
A presentation of the GeneCV and BioChronicle projects and their background. Given at a lunch seminar for the group of Pär Nordlund at MBB, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
An introductory course for biomedical students at Biomeedikum, Tartu University, Estonia.
A seminar given at the BIIT group at the Department of Computer Science, Tartu University, Estonia.
A seminar given at the Biomeedikum, Tartu University, Estonia. The discussion is based on experience from collaborations between academia and pharma in biomedicine, and explains some potential issues and how to resolve them. The audience consisted primarily of academic scientists, so the focus was to discuss the goals of a company, and how this affects its actions.
A short lecture given to the Faculty of Medicine at Tartu University, Estonia.
Utmaningar för bioinformatiken inom industri och akademi. En presentation för Industriakademin i Uppsala.
A presentation outlining the basis of the GeneCV project.
A lecture given for KTH third-year bioinformatics students.
A course for Ph.D. students at the Stockholm Bioinformatics Center (Stockholm University,Karolinska Institute and KTH).
SBC seminar on the challenge of functional genomics and systems biology.
Notes for 5 lectures forming part of a Ph.D. course at Stockholm University.
A lecture at a seminar arranged by Virtual Genomics and Compaq.
An introductory five-lecture course on sequence bioinformatics for students at Uppsala University, Sweden.