GTPM: Genome, Transcriptome, Proteome, Metabolome
A software system for handling and analysis of the complete
molecular datasets
- Handle all four levels of data in one system
- Database system
- Tool for research groups
- Model the data at the appropriate level (not a data reduction tool)
- Capabilities: browse, search, interface
- Integration with public resources (seq/lit DB, Gene Ontology, ...)
- Data exchange: other groups; publication; deposition
- Open Source (GPL)
- Currently ongoing...
- Layered implementation; MySQL (other RDBMS), Python, GUI, API
- Basic DB interaction mechanism done
- Data model development ongoing; focus on genome and transcriptome
- Tests using public data. Gunnar Norstedt, CMM, KI
- Integration of analysis tools; statistics, pathway analysis, ...
- XML data exchange using emerging standards (MAML, ...)
- How handle species, taxonomy? General/specific/hierarchical?
- How model differences? Mutations, conditions, treatments...
- Representation of pathways (metabolism, signalling)
$Date: 2001/04/17 15:55:39 $