- Extensible Markup Language
- A skeleton format for data markup, intended to become universal.
- Essentially a text file with an imposed structure.
- Based on SGML (document markup standard); simplified.
- The basics of XML are simple, but the sophisticated parts quickly
become very tricky.
- Extensible: Define a XML-based format specific to a particular
data domain.
- MathML: mathematics
- CML:Chemical Markup Language
- XML for MIAME: Microarray data (EBI)
- Many more; make your own...
- Software tools and standards
- SAX (Simple API for XML)
- DOM (Document Object Model)
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- and more...
- A bandwagon is rolling: Microsoft, Oracle, IBM are (will be)
using XML for many things.
© 2001 Per Kraulis
$Date: 2001/05/09 07:36:58 $