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5. A simple RNG: linear congruential

Lehmer (1949)

          Xn+1 = (a * Xn + c) mod m

where a, c and m are constants. An example:

Set a=7, c=7 and m=10:
Xn aXn + c Xn+1
7 7*7 + 7 = 56 6
6 7*6 + 7 = 49 9
9 7*9 + 7 = 70 0
0 7*0 + 7 = 7 7

This is obviously not a great RNG: it cycles back to the original seed value after just 4 values.

Lewis, Goodman, Miller (1969)

A minimal standard RNG, according to Park and Miller (1988):

     a = 16807
     c = 0
     m = 231-1 = 2147483647

Period: 231-2 = approx 2.1*109

Note that an ordinary Pentium III will exhaust this period in less than one CPU hour!

Copyright © 2000 Per Kraulis $Date: 2000/12/04 12:20:05 $