Adkins, Lesley; Adkins, Roy A |
Egyptens nycklar |
2000 |
Gintis, Herbert |
Game Theory Evolving |
2000 |
Hatemi, Peter K; McDermott, Rose |
Man Is by Nature a Political Animal: Evolution, Biology, and Politics |
2000 |
Jacobsen, Knut A |
Buddhismen |
2000 |
Miller, David |
Citizenship and National Identity |
2000 |
Popper, Karl |
The Lesson of this Century: With Two Talks on Freedom and the Democratic State |
2000 |
Shaw, Ian |
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt |
2000 |
Short, Philip |
Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare |
2000 |
Singer, Peter |
A Darwinian Left: Politics, Evolution, and Cooperation |
2000 |
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Waterfield, Robin; Anaximander; Anaximenes; ... |
The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists |
2000 |