Brown, Gillian R; Lala, Kevin N |
Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour |
2025 |
Gustavsson, Gina |
Det öppna sinnelaget. Och dess fiender |
2023 |
3 |
2023-07-27 |
Lindenfors, Patrik |
Äckel. Smitta, synd, samhälle |
2023 |
4 |
2023-06-20 |
McMahon, Darrin M |
Equality: The History of an Elusive Idea |
2023 |
Mounk, Yascha |
The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time |
2023 |
4 |
2023-10-13 |
Neiman, Susan |
Left Is Not Woke |
2023 |
4 |
2023-11-01 |
Samson, David R |
Our Tribal Future: How to Channel Our Foundational Human Instincts into a Force for Good |
2023 |
Sauer, Hanno; Retzlaff, Joachim |
Moral. Uppfinnandet av gott och ont |
2023 |
5 |
2024-01-17 |
Schmidtz, David |
Living Together: Inventing Moral Science |
2023 |
4 |
2023-08-08 |
Schulz, Marc |
The Good Life: Lessons from the World's Longest Study on Happiness |
2023 |
Cobb, Matthew |
As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age |
2022 |
3 |
2023-03-28 |
Jonsson, Jan O; Mood, Carina; Treuter, Georg |
Integration bland unga: en mångkulturell generation växer upp |
2022 |
Kumar, Victor; Campbell, Richmond |
A Better Ape: The Evolution of the Moral Mind and How it Made us Human |
2022 |
Sandelind, Clara |
En god flyktingpolitik |
2022 |
Tomasello, Michael |
The Evolution of Agency: Behavioral Organization from Lizards to Humans |
2022 |
5 |
2022-12-18 |
Ahlin Marceta, Jesper |
Vi är alla individualister |
2021 |
4 |
2021-12-01 |
Franzén, Nils; Moberger, Victor; Risberg, Olle |
Grundbok i metaetik |
2021 |
4 |
2023-12-07 |
Harden, Kathryn Paige |
The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality |
2021 |
Heying, Heather E; Weinstein, Bret |
A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life |
2021 |
Muldoon, Ryan |
Social Contract Theory for a Diverse World |
2021 |
Newson, Lesley; Richerson, Peter |
A Story of Us: A New Look at Human Evolution |
2021 |
5 |
2022-01-30 |
Pinker, Steven |
Rationality |
2021 |
Raihani, Nichola |
The Social Instinct: How Cooperation Shaped the World |
2021 |
5 |
2022-11-04 |
Sterelny, Kim |
The Pleistocene Social Contract: Culture and Cooperation in Human Evolution |
2021 |
4 |
2022-02-14 |
Bauhn, Per |
Leva fritt & leva väl. En studie i moral, mening & mänskliga rättigheter. |
2020 |
Brändén, Henrik |
Själens biologi och vår fria vilja |
2020 |
Buchanan, Allen |
Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape from Tribalism |
2020 |
5 |
2023-07-06 |
Henrich, Joseph |
The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous |
2020 |
5 |
2021-02-01 |
Hume, David |
Dialoger om naturlig religion |
2020 |
Mercier, Hugo |
Not Born Yesterday: The Science of Who We Trust and What We Believe |
2020 |
Pluckrose, Helen; Lindsay, James |
Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity—and Why This Harms Everybody |
2020 |
Sandel, Michael J |
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good? |
2020 |
Sauer, Hanno |
Debunking Arguments in Ethics |
2020 |
Baylis, Françoise |
Altered Inheritance: CRISPR and the Ethics of Human Genome Editing |
2019 |
Bregman, Rutger |
Humankind: A Hopeful History |
2019 |
Christakis, Nicholas A |
Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society |
2019 |
4 |
2019-08-01 |
Churchland, Patricia S |
Conscience: The Origins of Moral Intuition |
2019 |
4 |
2019-07-08 |
Korn, Dan |
Som om Gud fanns |
2019 |
Mahmood, Qaisar |
Den besvärliga mångfalden |
2019 |
McMahon, Christopher |
Reasonableness and Fairness: A Historical Theory |
2019 |
Wilson, David Sloan |
This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution |
2019 |
4 |
Wrangham, Richard W |
The Goodness Paradox: How Male Resentment Created Tolerance, Morality and Homo Sapiens |
2019 |
5 |
2019-08-09 |
Östbring, Björn |
Migrationspolitiska dilemman: Om idealism och realism i liberal politisk teori |
2019 |
4 |
2019-12-08 |
Arpi, Ivar; Cwejman, Adam |
Så blev vi alla rasister |
2018 |
Boyer, Pascal |
Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create |
2018 |
4 |
2024-07-10 |
Buchanan, Allen; Powell, Russell |
The Evolution of Moral Progress: A Biocultural Theory |
2018 |
4 |
2022-08-15 |
Chua, Amy |
Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations |
2018 |
Deneen, Patrick J |
Why Liberalism Failed |
2018 |
2 |
2018-12-01 |
Halldorf, Joel |
Gud : Återkomsten - Hur religionen kom tillbaka och vad den betyder. |
2018 |
1 |
2019-01-21 |
Klintman, Mikael; Lunderquist, Thomas; Olsson, Andreas |
Gruppens grepp: Hur vi fördomsfulla flockvarelser kan lära oss leva tillsammans |
2018 |
3 |
2019-06-01 |
Pettit, Philip; Hoekstra, Kinch; Tomasello, Michael |
The Birth of Ethics: Reconstructing the Role and Nature of Morality |
2018 |
1 |
2023-01-29 |
Pinker, Steven |
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress |
2018 |
5 |
2020-08-20 |
Stewart-Williams, Steve |
The Ape that Understood the Universe |
2018 |
4 |
2020-02-04 |
Tomasello, Michael |
Becoming Human: A Theory of Ontogeny |
2018 |
4 |
2019-03-24 |
Boyd, Robert |
A Different Kind of Animal: How Culture Transformed Our Species |
2017 |
5 |
2020-07-10 |
Göndör, Eli |
Religionskollision - Minoritet, majoritet och toleransens gränser |
2017 |
Mercier, Hugo; Sperber, Dan |
The Enigma of Reason: A New Theory of Human Understanding |
2017 |
5 |
2017-10-09 |
Sapolsky, Robert M |
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst |
2017 |
4 |
2018-09-09 |
Baumard, Nicolas |
The Origins of Fairness: How Evolution Explains Our Moral Nature |
2016 |
Bicchieri, Cristina |
Norms in the Wild: How to Diagnose, Measure, and Change Social Norms |
2016 |
Gaus, Gerald F |
The Tyranny of the Ideal: Justice in a Diverse Society |
2016 |
4 |
2022-09-09 |
Gintis, Herbert |
Individuality and Entanglement: The Moral and Material Bases of Social Life |
2016 |
Halldorf, Joel |
Kyrkan på torget : offentlig teologi i en postsekulär tid |
2016 |
Junger, Sebastian |
Tribe On Homecoming & Belonging |
2016 |
Levine, Philippa |
Eugenics: A Very Short Introduction |
2016 |
4 |
2018-02-01 |
Miller, David |
Strangers in Our Midst: The Political Philosophy of Immigration |
2016 |
Tomasello, Michael |
A Natural History of Human Morality |
2016 |
5 |
2018-01-23 |
Biglan, Anthony |
The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior Can Improve Our Lives and Our World |
2015 |
Coyne, Jerry A |
Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible |
2015 |
4 |
2015-07-20 |
Decety, Jean; Wheatley, Thalia |
The Moral Brain: A Multidisciplinary Perspective |
2015 |
Hagerman, Maja |
Käraste Herman: Rasbiologen Herman Lundborgs Gåta |
2015 |
Harris, James A |
Hume: An Intellectual Biography |
2015 |
Henrich, Joseph |
The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter |
2015 |
5 |
2019-12-04 |
Knoepfler, Paul |
GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies |
2015 |
McGrath, Alister E |
The Big Question: Why We Can’t Stop Talking About Science, Faith and God |
2015 |
1 |
2016-02-22 |
Shackelford, Todd K; Hansen, Ranald D |
The Evolution of Morality |
2015 |
Wilson, David Sloan |
Does Altruism Exist?: Culture, Genes, and the Welfare of Others |
2015 |
5 |
2018-09-16 |
Frostegård, Johan |
Den ekonomiska människans fall |
2014 |
Greider, Göran |
Den solidariska genen |
2014 |
2 |
Heberlein, Ann |
Etik: människa, moral, mening - En introduktion |
2014 |
1 |
Johnson, Mark |
Morality for Humans: Ethical Understanding from the Perspective of Cognitive Science |
2014 |
4 |
2019-09-13 |
Malik, Kenan |
The Quest for a Moral Compass: A Global History of Ethics |
2014 |
5 |
Shermer, Michael |
The Moral Arc: How Science Makes Us Better People |
2014 |
Siedentop, Larry |
Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism |
2014 |
5 |
2016-08-13 |
Wilson, Edward O |
The Meaning of Human Existence |
2014 |
Grant, Adam M |
Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success |
2013 |
Greene, Joshua D |
Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them |
2013 |
4 |
Göndör, Eli; Johansson Heinö, Andreas; Wigorts Yngvesson, Susanne; ... |
Religionen i demokratin: Ett politiskt dilemmas återkomst |
2013 |
Halldorf, Joel |
Tålamod och längtan |
2013 |
Lieberman, Matthew D |
Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect |
2013 |
More, Max; Vita-More, Natasha |
The Transhumanist Reader |
2013 |
Rosenberg, Göran |
Plikten, profiten och konsten att vara människa : essä |
2013 |
Waal, Frans de |
The Bonobo and the Atheist: In Search of Humanism Among the Primates |
2013 |
3 |
2021-06-15 |
Boehm, Christopher |
Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame |
2012 |
4 |
2019-05-19 |
Haidt, Jonathan |
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion |
2012 |
5 |
2017-12-30 |
Persson, Ingmar; Savulescu, Julian |
Unfit for the Future: The Need for Moral Enhancement |
2012 |
Sterelny, Kim |
The Evolved Apprentice: How Evolution Made Humans Unique |
2012 |
Bowles, Samuel; Gintis, Herbert |
A Cooperative Species: Human Reciprocity and Its Evolution |
2011 |
4 |
2021-07-24 |
Davenport, Charles Benedict |
Heredity in Relation to Eugenics |
2011 |
Dworkin, Ronald |
Justice for Hedgehogs |
2011 |
Frostegård, Johan |
Nästan allt om människan |
2011 |
Kitcher, Philip |
The Ethical Project |
2011 |
Lindenfors, Patrik |
Samarbete |
2011 |
4 |
2015-06-20 |
Nordin, Svante |
Filosoferna: Det västerländska tänkandet sedan år 1900 |
2011 |
Bashford, Alison; Levine, Philippa |
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Eugenics |
2010 |
Harris, Sam |
The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values |
2010 |
Heberlein, Ann |
En liten bok om ondska |
2010 |
Pinker, Steven |
The Better Angels of Our Nature |
2010 |
5 |
Cohen, G A |
Why Not Socialism? |
2009 |
Fredriksson, Gunnar |
David Hume: Humanisten och skeptikern |
2009 |
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer |
Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding |
2009 |
5 |
2023-06-10 |
Nycander, Svante |
Liberalismens idéhistoria: frihet och modernitet |
2009 |
3 |
2019-02-15 |
Savulescu, Julian; Bostrom, Nick |
Human Enhancement |
2009 |
Searle, John Rogers |
Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization |
2009 |
Sen, Amartya |
the idea of justice |
2009 |
Solnit, Rebecca |
A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities That Arise in Disaster |
2009 |
3 |
2021-12-31 |
Tomasello, Michael; Dweck, Carol; Silk, Joan; ... |
Why We Cooperate |
2009 |
4 |
Geuss, Raymond |
Philosophy and Real Politics |
2008 |
3 |
2021-12-09 |
Angner, Erik |
Hayek and Natural Law |
2007 |
Hitchens, Christopher |
God Is Not Great |
2007 |
Hitchens, Christopher; Lucretius; Khayyám, Omar; ... |
The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the Nonbeliever |
2007 |
McElreath, Richard; Boyd, Robert |
Mathematical Models of Social Evolution: A Guide for the Perplexed |
2007 |
Taylor, Charles |
A Secular Age |
2007 |
Walzer, Michael |
Thinking Politically: Essays in Political Theory |
2007 |
Dawkins, Richard |
Illusionen om Gud |
2006 |
Driver, Julia |
Ethics: The Fundamentals |
2006 |
3 |
2023-10-20 |
Glover, Jonathan |
Choosing Children: Genes, Disability, and Design |
2006 |
Henrich, Natalie; Henrich, Joseph |
Why Humans Cooperate: A Cultural and Evolutionary Explanation |
2006 |
5 |
2021-05-25 |
Waal, Frans de |
Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved |
2006 |
4 |
2021-11-08 |
Dahlgren, Eva F |
Farfar var rasbiolog: En berättelse om människovärde igår och idag |
2005 |
Joyce, Richard |
The Evolution of Morality |
2005 |
Stenner, Karen |
The Authoritarian Dynamic |
2005 |
Boyd, Robert; Richerson, Peter |
The Origin and Evolution of Cultures |
2004 |
Harris, Sam |
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason |
2004 |
Hope, Tony |
Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction |
2004 |
Richerson, Peter; Boyd, Robert |
Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution |
2004 |
4 |
2019-06-27 |
Gibbard, Allan |
Thinking How to Live |
2003 |
Pagden, Anthony |
The Enlightenment: And Why It Still Matters |
2002 |
Pinker, Steven |
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature |
2002 |
4 |
Israel, Jonathan I |
Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750 |
2001 |
Hatemi, Peter K; McDermott, Rose |
Man Is by Nature a Political Animal: Evolution, Biology, and Politics |
2000 |
Baier, Kurt |
The Rational and the Moral Order: The Social Roots of Reason and Morality |
1999 |
Scanlon, T M |
What We Owe to Each Other |
1999 |
Triandis, Harry C |
Individualism And Collectivism |
1995 |
Axelrod, Robert |
The Complexity of Cooperation: Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration |
1991 |
Gellner, Ernest |
Plough, Sword and Book: The Structure of Human History |
1990 |
3 |
2020-09-06 |
Melzer, Arthur M |
The Natural Goodness of Man: On the System of Rousseau's Thought |
1990 |
Buber, Martin |
Människans väg |
1989 |
Gauthier, David |
Morals By Agreement |
1986 |
Boyd, Robert; Richerson, Peter |
Culture and the Evolutionary Process |
1985 |
Dworkin, Ronald |
A Matter of Principle |
1985 |
Lanzmann, Claude; Beauvoir, Simone de |
Shoah |
1985 |
Axelrod, Robert |
The Evolution of Co-Operation |
1984 |
Walzer, Michael |
Spheres of Justice: A Defense of Pluralism and Equality |
1983 |
Hayek, Friedrich A |
Law, Legislation and Liberty: A New Statement of the Liberal Principles of Justice and Political Economy |
1982 |
MacIntyre, Alasdair |
After Virtue: A Study in Moral Theory |
1982 |
Singer, Peter |
The Expanding Circle: Ethics, Evolution, and Moral Progress |
1981 |
Hayek, Friedrich A |
Social justice, socialism & democracy: Three Australian lectures (CIS occasional papers) |
1979 |
Wilson, Edward O |
On Human Nature |
1978 |
Dworkin, Ronald |
Taking Rights Seriously |
1977 |
Glover, Jonathan |
Causing Death and Saving Lives |
1977 |
Walzer, Michael |
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument With Historical Illustrations |
1977 |
Nozick, Robert |
Anarchy, State, and Utopia |
1974 |
Aron, Raymond |
History and the Dialectic of Violence: Analysis of Sartre's Critique de la Raison Dialectique |
1973 |
Smart, JJC; Williams, Bernard |
Utilitarianism: For and Against |
1973 |
Rawls, John |
A Theory of Justice |
1971 |
Sen, Amartya |
Collective Choice and Social Welfare |
1970 |
Hedenius, Ingemar |
Livets mening |
1964 |
Hedenius, Ingemar |
Tröstens villkor |
1959 |
Arendt, Hannah |
The Human Condition |
1958 |
Weil, Simone; Eliot, T S |
The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties towards Mankind |
1949 |
Popper, Karl |
The Open Society and its enemies. Volume 1: The spell of Plato |
1945 |
5 |
Fromm, Erich |
The Fear of Freedom |
1941 |
Hägerström, Axel |
Socialfilosofiska uppsatser |
1939 |
Kropotkin, Pyotr |
Ömsesidig hjälp |
1891 |
2 |
2023-03-12 |
Nietzsche, Friedrich |
Om moralens härstamning : en stridsskrift |
1887 |
Mill, John Stuart |
Utilitarianism |
1861 |
4 |
2024-01-17 |
Wollstonecraft, Mary |
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Revolutions) |
1792 |
4 |
2024-01-17 |
Smith, Adam |
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Volume I |
1776 |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques |
The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Two "Discourses" and the "Social Contract" |
1762 |
1 |
2022-06-09 |
Smith, Adam |
The theory of moral sentiments |
1759 |
Aristotle, Aristotle; Ringbom, Mårten |
Den Nikomachiska etiken |
-350 |